When you first start out on your journey to internet success, it is quite likely that you will have a limited budget to work with. A lot of that budget will be taken up with paying for domain names, web hosting, autoresponder systems and a myriad of other things which are all necessary to your success. This probably means that the amount of cash left over to fund the marketing campaigns will be limited. Unfortunately, no website is good enough on its own to attract visitors and you will need to market your enterprise in the right way to get enough visitors to make it pay. Marketing is a whole subject in itself and too involved to cover here but there is a way to fund your marketing activities even if you don’t have any spare cash.

Affiliate Marketing

One way to address this imbalance is to use something called ‘affiliate marketing’. Effectively, what this means is that you find someone (an individual or company) with a product or service to sell, who is willing to give you a cut of the sale price if you sell it for him (or her). The amount you get will vary from product to product but you should be able to find enough which will pay at least 40-50% of the sale price to make it worth while. Crucially thought, you have to be able to select a product or service which other people will want to buy.
How to Find Your Products
Now that you have decided to become an affiliate marketer, you will need to find some products to sell. You could start by trawling through hundreds of websites looking for things which you thing might be salable but this could take a long time and might, ultimately, not prove all that successful. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a website which had all of the best affiliate programmes on offer, all under one banner and available free of charge for you to access?


Well, good news! There is, and it is called ClickBank. All you have to do is visit the site, open an account, and select the products you want to promote.
When you first visit the site, go through the simple and short process to open you account, and then spend some time looking around to see what is available. It is also a good idea to have a look at the various help pages so that you have a feel for the way the site works when you come to select your products or services.
The site contains tens of thousands of products and services from all manner of vendors, offering a commission of up to 75%. Whatever your chosen niche, you are sure to find something on this site which will dovetail perfectly and provide the opportunity to earn extra income to fund your own activities, with a minimum of effort.
The products are conveniently sorted into main headings and these are reviewed and added to on a regular basis. Finding what you want (help is available on the site if you get confused) is simple. Once you have found what you want, create your own personalised link to ensure that your commission is paid, and put it up on your site. How and where you put them on your site is up to you but it obviously is going to be to your advantage to include some copy promoting the product. If you have chosen wisely, your business opportunity will provide you with a mentor who will be able to help with this.
Although I have written this from the perspective of using ClickBank to generate enough income to fund your own marketing campaigns, if you become adept at this method of promotion, it is possible to make a substantial income, just from this way of operating.