What is Link Building and What Can You Do To Utilize It?

Link building is the combination of advertising and promoting your site. If done properly it can increase your traffic and get you a higher ranking on Search Engines. The better you build your links, the better you and your business can be advertised.

To get you at the top of the Search Engines requires a fresh and steady flow of content and activity. Someone may think it is about quantity and other quality, and they are both right, you need a good quantity of quality work. It does not matter what the type of business you have or where it will take you in the future, you have to show not only the consumers, but the Search Engines and other companies as well that linking up with you is a good venue.

Some sites have a policy of not showing your company until you have been around for six months; this is not only to ensure that you are in for the long haul, but also to ensure you are worthy of being on their list. Now some web hosts offer 24-hour waiting period before they will submit your link to the Search Engines.

The longer you and others share links, the better it looks for both of you. Some do not realize the amount of time and effort involved in the process of getting a good ranking. When you thought of your business and what you planned for it, you took time to know what would and would not work. Admittedly there is a learning processes and learning how to use build links is an important step.

Link building is very critical in getting your business, known. You need to write down what your company offers and the goals they have planned. Once you know this, start surfing other sites that offer a very similar service. Write them down and save their email addresses.

Once you have your list compiled, go through and begin drafting a letter that describes you and who you are. Make sure to point out highlights of your company and what reason you believe a link exchange with them would be beneficial to both. Now you can use a basic letter for this but you need to personalize each one. Do not mass email either. Unless you are already on their list it could very easily end up as Spam.

Once you have emailed them, mark it on a calendar and save each email that you sent or received from them. This is highly important, you have to know exactly what was said and transpired. You also need to note whether or not they replied. Not hearing an answer does not mean they will not work with you, it could mean that the email did not make it. You need to wait at least 2 weeks before beginning to email them, think of it as applying for a job, interested but not pushy.