If you run a website, your main goal is to increase the popularity of your site and send more and more traffic to it. Web directories are the right place to begin with. You’ll need to submit your site to web directories to make it indexed by search engines and start attracting more visitors. And every visitor is a potential customer. More people come to your site, more sales you can make.
Web directories are the catalogues of numerous links sorted by specific categories. Some day directories were the main mean to find relevant sites. At present popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo serve that duty and provide the users with the desired information.
You may ask yourself now “Why should I submit to directories if they are not used by many people anymore?”
As the answer to this question, let’s examine the benefits that the submission of your site to web directories gives you:
1. Indexing of the web site by search engines
Web directories are the best way to announce your web site existence to a search engine. Search engines use crawlers or spiders to search for new and useful web sites. A spider reads a web site, goes into different links placed in that site and reports to the search engine about that site. It also returns in those sites to see the changes in those.2. Search engines favor the sites submitted to directoriesWhen you register your web site to a directory, the site doesn’t appear in the directory immediately. It is sent to the webmaster for review. The webmaster analyses your site and decide if it is worthy to be in their directory. As the whole process is supervised by an actual person, search engines rely on that directory and favor links submitted to directories.
3. Increase of the web site ranking in search engines
The main thing a search engine counts when assigning a rank to a site is a number of links the web site has. More links the site gets, higher it will be ranked in search engines. But it’s not only the quantity of links that matters; the quality of links does as well. It’s better to have less links from important sites (with 6, 7 or higher PageRank) than many links from obscure sites with 0 PageRank. Plus, directories offer one way links pointing to your site only. And search engine consider one way links to be more valuable than reciprocal links (links that are exchanged with other sites). Directories can help you out in this way too.4. Relevant category for the web site
The spiders of search engines may not categorize your website to a relevant topic, especially if your site has a poor text description, but it is rich in images, flash and animation content. If you submit your site to a relevant category in a directory, you can enable a search engine to categorize your website under a relevant topic.
5. Easy search of the site by targeted keywords/phrases
When you submit your site to web directories, you generally provide the site URL, title, description and keywords. What is nice is that you can (and must) use your top keywords in your title. This makes it easy for search engines to find the link to your site by targeted phrases/keywords. 6. More traffic to your site
Nowadays, people mostly use search engines to find the necessary information. However, web directories are used as well. Getting satisfied by the service, visitors bring on more traffic to your site. In that way, both the popularity and number of traffic in your site increase.
As you see, listing your site in a directory has a considerable importance. No matter what type of online business you run, there is always a specific directory to cater to your need. Just submit your site to that directory and get the quantity of traffic that is always desired by you. |
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