Every other day brings new challenges in the world of search engine optimization. You will learn about new and unique SEO optimization strategies on daily basis. SEO firms are always looking forward to provide unique and better quality of SEO service to their customers. Although there has been a lot of advancement in the field of SEO optimization however, basic guidelines remain the same. These basics remain constant and unchanged. In subsequent paragraphs we will discuss basics of SEO optimization. For better ranking of your web site you can learn these basics and keep them as guideline.
While developing any web site first of all determine the theme of your web site. Give topic to every page of our web site and the topic should be related to the main theme of your web site. Choose some keywords or key phrase which describes the theme of your web site. Search engine optimization works on key words. Mostly SEO firms have developed such algorithms that they have to resort to keyword search. One more thing you should keep in mind while selecting keywords for your web site is that they keyword should be catching and attractive. Keywords should be in public demand and to determine in demand keywords you can take help from several SEO service software developed by SEO firms.
Some SEO service providers do not agree with title optimization. Page title matters a lot in SEO optimization. Page title is normally displayed at top left corner of the page, in title bar. To make your web site available through search engine optimization the page title should be relevant to the theme of your web site. Ideally it should be of 3 - 9 words. It makes SEO optimization easy.
Importance of site map can be easily understood by an example that if you have to roam around at some place which you have not seen before, it will be really very easy for you if you have a map. Same way, SEO firms require you make some site map (smaller or bigger) so that it is easy for the spider to crawl on each and every page of your site to perform search engine optimization.
You must be familiar with META tags. These are secret and hidden codes. META tags are used to communicate with web spiders. Robots, Descriptions and Keywords are the most important META tags which you need to utilize. In my opinion sequence of META tags does not matter in search engine optimization. There are few SEO firms which put some tags after description and utilize the keyword tag afterwards, but it does not affect SEO service at all. Robot META tags are used to determine that whether you want the search engine to display a particular page of your website in the search list or not.
Last but not the least; be careful while using keywords in your web content. It is better not to use a particular keyword for more than 3 times otherwise SEO may consider it a spam and finally ruin your complete effort.
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